Sunday, March 1, 2009

Too Many Bobcats For The Bums

This embarrassment of riches has caused me to start a new blog. How many bobcat photos can we post on the Dharma Bums. I'm afraid you'll think we have a pet bobcat that we take out a couple of times a year. I don't know why we see bobcats so often, but we do. This one was seen Saturday afternoon at Pogonip. It had the most beautiful white markings on the back of its ears. I'll post some photos of that later.


  1. I think a second, semi-secret bobcat blog is a splendid idea. And I can't get enough of the photos so I'm happy to find you here.

  2. I love finding this, robin andrea. Today, last year, in a moment when I was very relaxed I had an inner vision, like a dream fragment, of a stoneware bowl that was brimming over with cool clear water. Your creative energy, both in writing and photography, is like that.

  3. Your abundance, be it in vision or wildlife, is treasured by so many!


  4. Pretty cool. I live in Bobcat country and we hardly ever see one. Tracks in the snow now and then around my place to show they have been calling. Came home one morning from a coffee break Walked to the kitchen to rinse out my coffee cup and outside kitchen window ther was a bobcat sniffing the insects [I guess]on the truck grill. He[she]walked up onto my deck for a few steps then casually walked down, across my road and across the pasture and dissapeared.
